8 Steps to Implementing a Controlled Room Temperature Strategy

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Peter Lockett
Peter Lockett

Right now lots of companies are analysing and deciding how to implement a CRT (Controlled Room Temperature) or ambient strategy for their products. But many companies are asking; where do I start? Cold Chain IQ asked Peter Lockett, Director of TP3 Global Ltd for his advice:

  1. Know your own products - required storage and distribution temperature guidelines, available stability data etc.
  2. Establish the routes and assess the temperature threat risk of each.
  3. The types of temperature threat (heat/cold/duration) will determine the requirements of the protection equipment required.
  4. One type of protection may not suit all routes and seasons - be prepared to test and adopt a number of protection equipment types to suit different product groups and temperature threats.
  5. Consider the impact of using either single use or reusable systems. Cost, return logistics, contamination, maintenance, disposal are all aspects that require consideration.
  6. Consider protection equipment availability – global locations, stock, capability etc.
  7. Be prepared to lean on the expertise of both 3PL and equipment manufacturer partners. Both can have valuable experience and knowledge to offer.
  8. Be aware of existing and developing global legislation which could change the criteria required for distribution and storage.


As thermal covers are becoming more popular, a short anonymous survey has been set up on line to gauge design requirements for thermal covers in the pharmaceutical supply chain.

The survey has been set up by Peter Lockett, Director of TP3 Global Ltd, the new company set up to design and manufacture thermal covers specifically for pharmaceutical and perishable logistics. The results will be published in a white paper designed to help give the industry a deeper understanding of thermal cover use in the market. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TW7NXHW

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