How to enhance vaccine supply chains with cryogenic freezing solutions
A guide to keeping vaccines cold and improving efficacy, product viability and yield during manufacturing, storage and distribution
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Many vaccines and other pharmaceutical products need to be kept at temperatures between -80⁰C (-112⁰F) and -180⁰C (-292⁰F) due to their biological instability. There are a number of cold-temperature processes that can be implemented to help pharma companies overcome challenges in temperature deviation, vaccine manufacture and product distribution.
This Air Products white paper reveals cryogenic solutions using liquid nitrogen and dry ice, which has been gaining favor over mechanical refrigeration methods throughout the manufacture, storage and distribution of a vaccine due to the greater efficacy, stability and yield it offers.
Download this white paper to learn how cryogenic solutions can:
- Overcome instability in vaccine biology requiring temperatures as low as -180⁰C by offering solutions to protect sensitive vaccine products using cryogenic temperatures.
- Reduce overall cooling and freezing time, and shorten the batch time of cooling processes.
- Provide shipping solutions using dry ice to serve as a critical refrigerant for preserving biological material during transport.