Vaccines for the World
Overcoming Pharma Supply Chain Obstacles During a Crisis
July 28 by Joanna EdwardsIn conversation with Pharma IQ, Vickram Srivastava delves into the significant challenges the pharma supply chain industry faced during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Case Study: Meeting Cold Chain Logistics Challenges In Global Clinical Trials
June 29 by Gary HutchinsonClinical trial material (CTM) or investigational medicinal products (IMP) are an important part of the early stages of the life science supply chain. As trials are being run on a global scale, in mark...
A More Balanced Understanding Of “Risk”
May 10 by Pharma Logistics EditorEarlier this year I was fortunate enough to attend the Disposable Solutions meeting in Munich. A common theme of discussions was the on-going debates around the issues of leachable and extractab...
Temperature Controlled Logistics Industry Survey 2016
May 04 by Cold Chain IQ SurveysCold Chain IQ would like to invite you to take part in this short industry survey.The survey will take 10 minutes to complete and as a thank you, all participants who complete the survey can choose to...
China’s Cold Chain Scrutinised following Multimillion-Dollar Illegal Vaccine Investigation
May 04 by Pharma LogisticsChina’s State Council has passed an amendment on vaccine regulations just weeks after the launch of an investigation into incorrectly handled vaccines took place, in ‘a case that shook the country’.&n...
Drugs via Drone Delivery – A Viable Solution?
April 27 by Cathy RobersonIn this column, Cathy Robertson discusses whether drone delivery is a viable choice for the cold chain
Johnson & Johnson's Award Winning Cool Chain Project
March 08 by Pharma Logistics IQLast month saw Johnson & Johnson win the Best Temperature Controlled Logistics Project Award at the 2016 Temperature Controlled Logistics Awards. This was in relation to organizing the supply chain th...
Spacecraft Intelligence Supports Ebola Vaccine Cold Chain
December 01 by Pharma LogisticsReports have recently emerged that spacecraft technology is one of the latest breakthroughs to advance the cold chain market.A passive vaccine storage device, which utilises insulation methods similar...
Restored Cold Chain Unveiled In South Sudan
October 06 by Pharma LogisticsLast month, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) alongside the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Industry opened Juba’s revitalised core cold chain. The new cold chain looks to...
HPV Vaccine undergoes successful heat stabilization
June 08 by Cold Chain IQA late-stage biopharmaceutical company developing products in inflammation, oncology and biodefense, has recently published data demonstrating a heat stable vaccine formulation of a human papillomavi...
Getting Essential Medicines to Customers: Investment in Supply Chains
April 28 by Pharma Logistics EditorRecently, the members of the Getting Health Products to People: Alliance for Health Logistics—that seeks to improve health product availability throughout Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)—produce...
Predictions 2035: The Role of Performance-Based Financing in Future Supply Chains in Developing Countries
April 28 by Pharma Logistics EditorPerformance-based financing (PBF) can be defined as cash or non-monetary benefits given for measurable actions or achievement of a defined performance target. Predictions 2035: The Role of Performan...